Production ISCA
La coop WEBTV
Production ISCA
La coop WEBTV
Who are we? What are the values that define our identity, our sense of belonging to Quebec? Where do they come from?
Roy Dupuis explores how our historical encounter with the First Nations was decisive in shaping our identity. It could even explain several fundamental characteristics of our society: the emphasis on the collective, the sense of equality, the "live and let live" attitude, the search for consensus... Why then have French Canadians long denied this part of themselves?
A film by Carole Poliquin and Yvan Dubuc
Finalist for the Iris Award for Best Documentary Feature 2015
Nominated for the Gémeaux Award for Best Research and Best Music 2015
Audience Award at the Vues sur mer Festival in Gaspé 2015
Audience Award at the Portneuf Environmental Film Festival 2015
More than fifty extra video capsules allow you to delve deeper into the subject: